What is SPF?
SPF, stands for sun protection factor, which is a measure of how well a sunscreen will protect your skin from UVB rays. It's expressed as a number from 2 to 100+, with higher numbers indicating more protection.
How SPF works
Sunscreen is a physical barrier that reflects or absorbs UV rays. When you apply it to your skin, it forms an invisible shield that blocks the sun's damaging rays from penetrating into the skin.
The SPF number indicates how well a sunscreen will protect you from UV rays, up to a certain point. The higher the SPF number, the longer it will last in protecting against getting sunburned.
Why everyone needs to wear SPF every day
SPF is the most important skin care step you can take. It's a critical component of any anti-aging routine, but it's also the best way to protect your skin from UV rays. UV rays cause damage and premature aging of the skin, as well as an increased risk for developing skin cancer.
In addition to being present on sunny days, UV rays are present even when it's cloudy. Even though you might not see the UV rays, they are still present, so don't go out without applying your SPF first!
Some tips to help you find the right SPF sunscreen for your skin type.
If you're a person who loves to spend time outdoors, then it's important for you to know how to find the right SPF sunscreen for your skin type. Here are some tips:
- Choose a broad spectrum sunscreen. This will protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Look for a product that says "broad spectrum" on the bottle and has an SPF between 15-50+.
- Apply generously and often. Sunscreen should be applied 30 minutes before going outside, then reapplied every two hours while in direct sunlight or after sweating or swimming. If possible, choose water resistant over non-water resistant sunscreen, because it's less likely that this type would rub off during activities like swimming or sweating heavily, but still, don't forget about reapplication!
- Don't forget ears, lips, scalp, and neck area! Even though these areas aren't exposed as directly as your face for example, they can still get burned if left unprotected from UV rays, so make sure those areas are covered too!
Protect your skin this summer with sunscreen
Many people think that sunscreen is a one-size fits all solution. SPF 30 is recommended for most people, but if you burn easily or are more exposed to the sun, SPF 50 may be better. And while an SPF 100 might seem like overkill, it can give you extra protection in situations where your skin is at risk of burning.
UV radiation can also cause collagen to break down at a higher rate than normal, so try adding a collagen powder to your daily routine to keep your collagen levels healthy and avoid premature aging!
We hope that this article has helped you understand the importance of using sunscreen and why it's important to use SPF every day. There are many different types available, so make sure you choose one that is right for your skin type and needs.