Have you ever wondered what your body is made of? Well, we're going to break it down for you! The human body is built up of proteins and fats, but also contains a special type of protein called collagen. Collagen makes up 80% of the skin, 60% of tendons and ligaments, 40% of bones and cartilage and 30% of muscles. This protein has many different functions in the body including tissue repair after injury or surgery as well as healthy hair growth. But did you know that collagen can also help fuel your workout?
Collagen is your body's building block.
Collagen is your body's building block. It's made up of amino acids and it's found in skin, bones, cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Collagen helps give structure to connective tissue throughout your body--it gives our skin its elasticity and keeps our joints healthy.
When you exercise or lift weights regularly (or even when you don't), your muscles tear down over time so that they can rebuild stronger than before--this process is called muscle hypertrophy (the fancy word for getting stronger). But if we want our muscles to grow back even stronger than before, then we need additional nutrients to help them repair themselves properly. Collagen provides just this type of nutrient support for repairing damaged muscle fibers after heavy workouts.
It helps your muscles recover faster.
Collagen helps your muscles recover faster after a tough workout because it improves blood flow to your muscles. When you exercise intensely or for an extended period of time (like during a long run), your body releases stress hormones like cortisol which can cause inflammation in these tissues. This inflammation can lead to soreness after working out if not properly cared for by using foods that contain collagen such as bone broth or taking a collagen supplement such as collagen whey protein.
And it can help you reduce pain and inflammation.
Collagen is a protein, and it's found in your joints, skin, bones and other connective tissues. It acts as a structural support system for your body--kind of like the scaffolding that holds up buildings.
Collagen helps reduce pain and inflammation in the body by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent (much like ibuprofen). When you exercise regularly and put stress on your muscles and joints, they become inflamed because they are being used more than usual. This can lead to injury if not treated properly or taken care of immediately after exercising!
If you have joint pain from arthritis or other conditions that cause chronic inflammation such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis then consuming collagen may help reduce some of these symptoms because it contains chemicals called glucosamine sulfate which has been shown to increase mobility when taken daily over time.
There are benefits for your whole body.
The benefits of collagen go beyond the obvious: it can help boost digestion by aiding food absorption; maintain healthy bones; strengthen bones against osteoporosis (a condition where the density of bones decreases); reduce inflammation; improve sleep quality; enhance immunity against colds/flu viruses by boosting white blood cell production (which helps fight infections).
It can also promote weight loss by improving metabolism, reducing appetite and controlling cravings. It’s a great source of protein, which helps build muscles and provide energy during workouts.
Muscles need collagen to recover after a workout, so get some in your diet today!
Muscle soreness after exercise can be caused by inflammation that occurs when you work out too hard or too long--and it's typically temporary. But if you're still feeling sore days later with no improvement in sight, it could mean your body needs more collagen! That's because when we exercise our muscles break down faster than they can recover; this leaves them vulnerable to injury due to micro-tears in their tissue. To help this damage from happening again during future workouts--or even just everyday living--you should make sure there is enough dietary collagen available to build new tissue during recovery time between sessions at the gym.
Collagen is an essential protein that has many functions in the body. One of these functions is to help build new tissue and repair injured or damaged tissue. This means that if you're exercising regularly or otherwise putting stress on your muscles, it's important to make sure they have enough collagen available so they can recover well between workouts.
Collagen whey protein, the best of both worlds.
For the best muscle recovery, we suggest you take our collagen whey protein after your workout. It will provide you with the recommended daily doses of protein, as well as collagen. Our collagen whey protein is the perfect blend of New Zealand grass fed whey protein and hydrolysed collagen peptides to support your skin, hair and nail health whilst also assisting with muscle toning and recovery. Try adding it to a smoothie or oats, or simply have it in any milk or water.
We hope that this article has convinced you to try collagen as a supplement. If you're interested in trying it out, we recommend checking out our products! We have everything from collagen whey protein to marine collagen that will help fuel your workout and make sure your body stays healthy.